What should I bring with me to the polls?

Laws vary from state to state. You can visit HeadCount’s Voter ID Requirements page to get specific information about your state. In some states you will need to show a valid photo ID that includes your address and/or your signature (such as a driver’s license). In most (but not all) of these states a student photo ID with your address will suffice.

If your photo ID does not have a current address on it, then you will also need to bring along a document that shows your current address information, such as a utility bill, banks statement or pay stub. In states where you do not need photo ID, you may still need to prove residency with a document showing your current address especially if you are voting for the first time.

Some states may allow you to vote provisionally or by a sworn affidavit without photo ID. We recommend having the documents listed above, however, if you do not please check your state’s requirements so that you do not miss an opportunity to vote.

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