Many states now require Voter ID at the polls in order to vote. Find out your state's ID requirements so you know what to bring with you to cast your ballot.
Voter ID
in Connecticut
Do all voters need ID?
ID required for first time voters?
ID required when voting absentee?
Acceptable ID Types for Connecticut
Voters in Connecticut must show ID at the polls to vote. Connecticut will accept IDs from US states, besides Connecticut. Valid forms of identification include;
- Social Security Card
- Any other pre-printed form of ID that shows your
- Name and address, OR
- Name and signature, OR
- Name and photo
If you do not have a valid ID, you may also sign an affidavit affirming your identity as a registered voter.
What happens when you go to vote without an ID
If you are a registered voter, but do not bring an acceptable ID, you may vote a provisional ballot. For this ballot to be counted you must sign a written affidavit that you are qualified to vote, that you have not already voted in the election, and provide your address and birth date.
Trans and Non-Binary Voters
Click here for state specific information for updating your ID and voter registration.
More Questions? Get Chat Help
Visit our friends at VoteRiders for detailed state-specific ID information or to request free help in getting an accepted ID to vote. You can also call or text their Voter ID Helpline at 866-ID-2-VOTE (866-432-8683).