Earth Day celebrates its 40th Anniversary tomorrow, and plenty of folks have suggestions on how to celebrate. The New York Times ran a column called “For Earth Day, 7 New Rules to Live By” suggesting that the new green movement add a shade of "blue-sky open mindedness" to its repertoire ("New Nukes" is the new "No Nukes", it claims). ran a column on how you can throw a killer Earth Day Party. (A "topical piñata" at the office? Yes please!).
course, who wants to celebrate without music? The biggest party of all will be on the Mall in Washington D.C. on Sunday, with a free concert featuring Sting, Bob Weir, The Roots and many others. At Penn State University, HeadCount is co-presenting an outdoor concert by the Flobots. A day of free food, music and games will be followed by the free Flobots show.
Check out this video of the Flobots talking about the environment and activism. MC Jonny 5 says that in the wake of the historic 2008 election, we have the opportunity to think beyond our country, "Now we have to look at what the world is and what are the limits of our resources on this planet?"
So watch the video and then figure out how you’ll celebrate.