Questions about the job market? Ask the President

Many job seekers probably have a few choice words for the President right now. If they can phrase them in the form of a polite question, they might even get a response., the popular internet job search engine, has teamed up with President Barack Obama's White House in a project aimed at easing the fears and anxieties of the nation's unemployed. Job seekers can pose questions to the Obama administration through Monster's Facebook page.

Early respondents have presented questions on job security for the elderly and disabled as well as concerns with keeping jobs from fleeing to overseas markets. A spokesman from stressed how "the White House and Monster share a common goal: To provide job keepers with a unique voice in a debate over the recovery."

Questions can be posted through November 14, and the questions with the most "Likes" on Facebook, or those that will provide for the most engaging and interesting discourse will be answered by President Obama in videotaped responses.