Trey Anastasio claims that Drug Court saved his life in a moving video from the Phish guitarist's appearance at the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) annual conference in June. Trey relates the circumstances that led to his 2006 arrest, describes the relief he felt after his arrest, and recounts the Drug Court program that has led to his two and half years' of sobriety. After missing a single of his numerous court-ordered appearances, Trey was sent to jail for two days, which gave him an opportunity to compare his fellow prisoners' violent negativity with Drug Court's emphasis on service and personal responsibility. "When my time in Drug Court was completed,:" he says, "I was not only clean, but had the clarity I needed to dedicate myself to serving others." If the band's summer tour is any indication, this is one program that – in addition to saving tax dollars, keeping people out of jail, and helping families stay together – definitely gets great results.