Even after the announcement by the EPA this past Friday confirming the dangers of green house gases, The Wall Street Journal reports today that Congress is more likely to act on health care reform before climate change.
While the administration continues to work on climate change reform, health care is "a way of delivering major good news to voters" in the face of impending 2010 midterm elections, as explained by Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN). Charles Schumer (D-NY) agreed that while health care and climate change are both of high priority on the agenda, "health care is probably a little bit higher" on a proverbial ranked listing.
Neither topic will have an easy path through the executive branch. Climate change legislation is almost a brand new mainstream topic to voters and will take some time before a Congressional consensus is reached. Healthcare, while working from previous legislation attempted in 1994 and thus theoretically achieving a consensus in a more timely fashion, will cost an estimated $1 trillion over the next 10 years.
Regardless of the tribulations caused by both agenda items, they are promised to be dealt with as quickly as possible. However, it is reported that "Capitol Hill has rarely completed landmark legislation on two fronts in one year."