Name: Nikki Roth
Location: Newark, Delaware
School: University of Delaware
Favorite HeadCount Band: Phish
Best HeadCount Experience: My best HeadCount experience was a few weeks ago when I got a team together on my campus to register students to vote for the upcoming election. It was great to get my campus involved and I enjoyed opening up the dialogue about all the excitement swirling around my campus with the midterm election
What’s Your Issue? My issue is Personal Liberty
Why do You Like Volunteering for HeadCount? Volunteering for HeadCount combines two of my passions: live music and political activism. Engaging the live music community in current issues and raising awareness has become a really rewarding and fun experience for me.
Hobbies: My hobbies include playing ultimate Frisbee, playing the guitar, seeing live music, and spending time with my friends and family.