Name: Kayley Blood
Location: Lowell, Ma
School: University of Massachusetts Lowell
Favorite HeadCount Band: Phish
Best HeadCount Experience: Best HeadCount experience was speaking to a person who could not vote because he was a felon. He was very upset about this and felt that he was veiwed as less intelligent and his opinions did not matter. I had him write a letter about it and he responded "I have been waiting to write this for a long time."
What's Your Issue? I would love to see a difference in the funding for schools. It is too often that you will see music or art programs eliminated from schools, or kids who can not receive a higher education because they can't afford it.
Why do you like volunteering for HeadCount? I love working with headcount because I feel it targets the young adults to voice their opinion. It is too common that people my age feel that they cannot make a difference, but the only reason they cannot is because they have that attitude. I feel that when we make registering people to vote this simple, it is more likely that they will get out there. Also I am happy to spread awareness of many issues and hearing everyone's opinion on them.
Hobbies: I love seeing live music and enjoying the outdoors.