Name: Charlie Blatt
Location: Towson, Maryland
HeadCount Band: Phish/moe.
Best HeadCount Experience: The most recent Virgin Mobile FreeFest. After over twelve hours of working hard we were rewarded with excellent times and great live music!
What’s Your Issue? Education
Why do You Like Volunteering for HeadCount? Besides the obvious draw of live music, I've developed a sincere appreciation for HeadCount volunteers' work, whether it's raising awareness of voting and registration or engaging with fans through the DNA surveys and/or the new photo contests. Not only is doing a simple deed incredibly self-gratifying, but it really does help make a difference in the long run. Exercising your right to vote is SO important, and I'm glad I can be a part of such a great team that helps in the process.
Hobbies: Live music, playing music, reading, video games, snowboarding.