Record turnout for Ferguson local elections

By Tappan Vickery on April 8, 2015

Despite rainy weather throughout Ferguson, yesterday a record 29% diverse voter turnout altered the makeup of the city council to having 3 black and 3 white representatives. This historical shift in council make up is a direct result of the breakdown of Ferguson’s community and great loss. Historically Ferguson sees a 10% to 12% turnout in…

Maryland Looks to Engage Ex-felons Through Voting

By Tappan Vickery on March 25, 2015

Inmates who are released from prison will be allowed to vote under a proposed Marylan law. Ex-Felons would gain voting rights while still on parole

Oregon Voters Are Automatically Registered Under New Law

By Tappan Vickery on March 17, 2015

If you have an Oregon drivers license issued in the last two years, you’re also registered to vote. That’s the nut of a new law in Oregon that positions the state as leader in voter accessibility. By digitally linking Department of Motor Vehicles records to voter registration, anyone who has been to the DMV since…

Celebrate National Voter Registration Day

By Tappan Vickery on September 19, 2014

For HeadCount, there’s only one day as important as Election Day: National Voter Registration Day. It’s Tuesday Sept. 23rd, and we want you to be a part of it.