Many states now require Voter ID at the polls in order to vote. Find out your state's ID requirements so you know what to bring with you to cast your ballot.
Voter ID
in North Carolina
Do all voters need ID?
ID required for first time voters?
ID required when voting absentee?
Acceptable ID Types for North Carolina
A new law went into effect in April 2023, which means that North Carolina voters will now be required to show Photo ID in order to vote. Your ID must be unexpired or expired less than one year. Valid forms of identification include;
- North Carolina driver license
- North Carolina state ID card (also called a non operators ID)
- US Passport or Passport Card
- North Carolina voter photo ID card issued by a County Board of Elections
- North Carolina student ID card approved by the NC Board of Elections
- Employee ID issued by North Carolina state or local government or charter school approved by the State Board of Elections.
- Out-of-state driver’s license or ID card (only for use by voters who have registered to vote in North Carolina within 90 days of an election)
You can use the following IDs even if they do not have an issuance or expiration date.
- Military ID card issued by US Government
- Veterans ID card issued by US Department of Veterans Affairs
- Tribal enrollment card
All registered voters may receive a free photo ID from their county board of elections, and any North Carolina resident may receive a free non-driver's photo ID from the North Carolina DMV.
Voter ID & Voting By Mail
First time voters must submit ID when voting by mail.
ID is required with completed mail-in ballot.
Voters who vote by mail must include a photocopy of an acceptable ID when returning their ballot, or they may complete an ID Exception Form. The voter places the photocopy of ID or ID Exception Form in a pocket on the outside of the ballot container envelope, which is then placed in an outer return envelope to protect the privacy of the voter.
What happens when you go to vote without an ID
You can vote using a provisional ballot. After voting with a provisional ballot, you will be asked to bring an acceptable form of ID to the county elections office no later than the day before the county canvass (which takes place 10 days after Election Day).
Trans and Non-Binary Voters
Click here for state specific information for updating your ID and voter registration.
More Questions? Get Chat Help
Visit our friends at VoteRiders for detailed state-specific ID information or to request free help in getting an accepted ID to vote. You can also call or text their Voter ID Helpline at 866-ID-2-VOTE (866-432-8683).