Voter ID
in Missouri

Many states now require Voter ID at the polls in order to vote. Find out your state's ID requirements so you know what to bring with you to cast your ballot.

Do all voters need ID?

ID required for first time voters?

ID required when voting absentee?

Acceptable ID Types for Missouri

Valid forms of identification include;

  • Unexpired Driver's License
  • Unexpired Military ID Card
  • Unexpired U.S. Passport
  • Other Photo ID Issued by the U.S.

Any ID used to vote must be either unexpired or have expired after the date of the most recent general election.

Voter ID Details

Contact the Secretary of State's office for more information on how to get a FREE Missouri photo ID to vote. They will assist you in working with the Missouri Department of Revenue, who will issue a free photo ID to any Missouri voter in need of a photo ID to vote.

What happens when you go to vote without an ID

If you do not have any of these forms of ID, you may cast a provisional ballot so long as you are a registered voter. For this ballot to be counted you must return to the polling place on election day with a photo ID, or the signature on the provisional ballot envelope matches the signature on your voter registration record.

Trans and Non-Binary Voters

Click here for state specific information for updating your ID and voter registration.

More Questions? Get Chat Help

Visit our friends at VoteRiders for detailed state specific information. (Note: this link will take you to the VoteRiders chatbot on Facebook Messenger.)