Are young people – 30% percent of whom are uninsured, according to the Commonwealth Fund – being written off in the health-care debate due to assumptions that they consider themselves "invincible?" Craig Berger unravels this meme in a Future Majority post, "Youth Not Turned Off By Health Care, But By Tone of Debate."
Our generation wants to solve problems, not settle ideological scores, whether that's through technology, multi-tasking, collaborating with others, etc. Our change-making skills are generally different from the Boomers currently running our major institutions. While our conservative elders are best-served to confuse voters of all ages in this debate, many of our older Democratic brothers and sisters don't have the stomach to avoid the false clamors for bipartisanship. As a result, Democrats and Republicans who run the debate continue to yell at each other, while millions of Americans - including too many young people - gamble their already-precarious life savings on not getting hurt or sick.
A group of millennials has responded to the dismissive pigeonholing by starting Young Invincibles, a campaign to "tell the truth about how the current system fails young people, dispel the myth that we don’t care about health care."