HeadCount has teamed up with Grain Audio to spread good music with great sound. Our top "Team Leaders" from around the country are all receiving free Grain Audio PWS units, and will share a few words here about their favorite music and musical experiences.
Hi. I'm Melissa Brennan. I am a grad student at the University of Maryland working towards my Masters of Library Science, and am currently a HeadCount Team Leader in Washington DC. I got my start with HeadCountin 2008 in New York City.
I love what we do here at HeadCount and I especially love election years because I have the opportunity to register voters at as many shows as I can fit into my schedule. Here in DC we have a residency with the 9:30 Club so I have a great opportunity to reach a variety of people. This year, in addition to tabling at HeadCount partner events like Bob Weir and Jeff Tweedy I have set up tables for Kelis, tUnE-yArDs, Nickel Creek and local favorites White Ford Bronco.
Personally, I listen to everything from U2 to Tori Amos, and the Mamas and the Papas to Johnny Cash, and most everything in between. I've just gotten back from a trip to Scotland where I was the Course Coordinator for a study abroad class, and I listened to the Scottish folk group The Battlefield Band while I prepared for class.
I want to thank Grain Audio for my PWS. This little speaker is amazing. It links seamlessly to my laptop and my iPhone. I can carry it around my apartment with me as I pack or do homework, and I don’t have to worry about moving or tripping on wires or finding space for bulky equipment. I appreciate its compact size. It really fits in well with my minimalist lifestyle at home. For such a little speaker it has great volume without distortion. I can listen to all of my favorite tunes and they all sound great. I can pack it with me no matter where I am going and I don’t have to worry about extra weight on my bike or in my backpack. I can’t say enough about how much I love this little speaker. I am so grateful to Grain Audio andHeadCount for this gift.
There is one more month left to register voters for the 2014 election and we have a great line-up of events here in DC. I hope to see you at one of them. I’ll have my PWS with me, so that you can check it out for yourself.