Sam Katz

Sam Katz joined HeadCount and helped the Boston team register more voters than any other city in the U.S. that first summer. After taking a few years off, Sam joined the team again as Northeast Field Director and as a member of the HC Artist Relations team.

Sam has experience in many different facets of the music industry. He has worked as a Boston venue box office manager, a U.S. national college concert agent for a major booking agency, has done production for many companies/events, and currently owns and operates Almost 30 Productions, a small booking and management firm based out of Boston, MA. Being a huge hip hop fan himself, currently one of the major projects in Sam's life is working with Boston based hip hop tandem, E.B.B. and F.L.O.W. Sam enjoys creating music of his own and the ever-rare activity of just sitting around and relaxing. He graduated Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY, with a degree in Communications. Originally from Boston, MA, Sam is now crisscrossing the country working as a Tour Manager for the Jamie McLean Band, Laura Reed and Deep Pocket.