A Step Furthur with Capitol Community Auctions

You know those booths overlooking the stage at old-time theatres - the “Presidential Boxes”? (Yeah, Abraham Lincoln sat in one). Well at the Capitol Theatre in Port Chester, NY, you can watch pretty much any show from one of those boxes - and support charity. We can assure you, your night will end better than Abe’s.


HeadCount and the Cap have teamed up to create “Capitol Community,” a charitable program that supports education and activism in Westchester County. For most shows at the Cap, we auction four seats in the box. Proceeds go toward scholarships for area school teachers to attend curriculum training at the Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, bringing rock history to classrooms in Westchester County.

Today, we announced that the Presidential Box will be available for each of the nine Furthur shows coming up (April 15 thru 25th). Funds from these auctions will also go toward charities selected by members of Furthur.

Each Capitol Community auction opens at $200 for 4 seats - just fifty bucks a ticket. Not bad for the best seats in house!

Artists such as The Black Crowes, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, B.B. King, John Prine and Trey Anastasio Band have supported Capitol Community by allowing booth auctions for their concerts. Many more auctions will take place in the coming months. Check here for a full list of auctions any time.