3 Million Strong – 2024 Impact Report

Presenting the 2024 HeadCount Impact Report! 

Eager beaver? You can dive into the full report right away.

2024 was the year we set new records:

  • 3,322,535 voter actions;
  • 492,246 people registered to vote;
  • 3,700+ events;
  • 159,000+ pins shared.


Nearly 1 in 100 people in the US took meaningful action with HeadCount in 2024. With just under half a million voters registered last year — and 1.6 million in our lifetime — we’ve helped music fans of all backgrounds get civically engaged. 

How do we do it? Glad you asked! As detailed in our 2024 impact report, this is only possible because of our artist and corporate partners, staff and volunteers, donors and Board of Directors. It’s hard to capture everything we achieved last year, but we’ll try. 


The most diverse class of artist partners by genre and race/ethnicity. Music is in our DNA, and tours, concerts, and festivals had an incredible impact on our work. We hit the road with a record 100 artists, met fans at arenas, stadiums and clubs & theaters to get them registered to vote. These relationships are integrated deeply into our work, and we’re grateful for every partner that used their platforms to share voting information, empowering their fans at every step of the process. Even Olivia Rodrigo used our resources to cast her ballot!


Registering people to vote is just the start of the civic adventure. Once voter registration deadlines passed, we dove right into making sure folks had information on how to cast their ballot. Last year, we:

  • Sent 4,856,990 geo-targeted emails with ballot info, polling place hours, and other essential info to making your voice heard;
  • Sent 856,796 direct text messages;
  • Mailed 499,015 postcards;
  • Posted 140 organic social media posts reaching 19,963,236 users;
  • Helped organize 7 iVoted concerts for 20,000+ attendees.

What sets HeadCount apart from the other political noise is our fan-to-fan communication. Speaking directly to fans allows us to have an authentic connection and create trust in the fandom. From postcards to emails and text messages, we engaged with fans of all genres and turned them out to vote. 


Looking to 2028, Gen Alpha will join Gen Z as the biggest group of young voters. What we’ve learned over the last few years is that young voters continue to trend nonpartisan and unaffiliated — lucky for us, since we will continue to activate in cultural spaces where young people of varying ideologies congregate.  That’s why we’re going to keep our  “Future Voter” campaign moving, a campaign that activates in spaces where attendees are likely to be 13-18 years old. We are looking forward to creating memories with future voters – after all, you will always remember when you registered to vote at your favorite concert 😉

Find the full Impact Report here