Never lose right to vote

Lost only while in prison, rights automatically restored when released. Must re-register to vote to be eligible.

Lost until completion of sentence. In some states an additional action or post-sentencing waiting period is required for restoration.

Lost until completion of sentence (incarceration, parole and probation) restoration of rights once sentence is complete. Must re-register to vote.


  • If the person doesn’t know their status (did I complete probation?) then don’t register them to vote. Give them our card and tell them to register at HeadCount.org once they find out if their voting rights have been restored.
  • There are a lot of variations by state to these laws and broad categories may not be the best reflection of the person’s ability to register. See state-by-state details, which will note certain types of felonies or frequency of felonies that may impact voter registration.
  • For , the states may require additional time or actions prior to restoring voting rights. DO NOT REGISTER IN THE FIELD. Have them check with their attorney or the state and, once rights are restored, they can regsiter at HeadCount.org.


In nearly every state there are exceptions to their rules for violent felonies or felonies that involve voter fraud. Voters
who have these histories should talk to their legal counsel to pursue voting rights restoration.

Alabama: People with certain felony convictions involving moral turpitude can apply to have their voting rights restored upon completion of sentence and payment of fines and fees; people convicted of some specific crimes – including murder, rape, treason, and crimes involving children – are permanently barred from voting.

Arizona: People convicted of one felony can have their voting rights restored upon completion of sentence, including all prison, parole, and probation terms and payment of legal financial obligations. People convicted of two or more felonies are permanently barred from voting unless pardoned or restored by a judge.

Delaware: People with most felony convictions have their voting rights restored automatically after completion of sentence, including prison, parole, and probation. People who are convicted of certain disqualifying felonies – including murder, bribery, and sexual offenses – are permanently disenfranchised. People convicted of election
offenses are disenfranchised for 10 years following their sentences.

Florida: As of July 1, 2019, people convicted of a felony who register to vote in Florida and have any outstanding fines or fees associated with their sentence may be charged for fraudulently registering to vote. It is critical that they are sure of their status before registering to vote. In Nov 2018 Florida voters approved a constitutional amendment which automatically restored voting rights to most people convicted of a felony at the completion of their sentence, except those convicted of murder and felony sexual offenses.

Iowa: In August 2020, voting rights were restored for most people convicted of a felony that have completed their sentence via the Governor’s executive order. If you were released from your sentence after that date, you need to apply for restoration. However, people convicted of homicide or man- slaughter must petition to have their rights restored.

Kentucky: In 2019 voting rights in Kentucky were restored to people convicted of a felony via executive order from the governor. Some violent felonies, including rape and murder, are excluded from the restoration order.

Louisiana: Voting rights are restored for those on probation or parole who have not been incarcerated during the last five years. Practically speaking, this means many if not most people on probation are eligible to vote and a small number of people on parole for more than five years are eligible. Voters must obtain a “Voter Rights Certificate” from the Division of Probation & Parole prior to submitting a voter registration application.

Maryland: As of March 10, 2016, voting rights are restored automatically after release from court-ordered sentence of imprisonment. People who are convicted of buying or selling votes are permanently disenfranchised.

Mississippi: People who are convicted of specified disqualifying offenses are permanently disenfranchised unless pardoned by the governor or their right to vote is restored by a two-thirds vote of both houses of the legislature.

Missouri: People with most felony convictions have their voting rights restored automatically after completion of sentence, including prison, parole, and probation. People who are convicted of election-related offenses are permanently disenfranchised.

Nebraska: In Nebraska, voting rights are restored two years after the completion of sentence. Nebraska disenfranchises persons with treason convictions until they have their civil rights individually restored.

Nevada: As if July 1, 2019, any person convicted with a felony who is not currently in prison may register to vote.

New Jersey: On March 17, 2020, in New Jersey people convicted of a felony who are on probation or parole are eligible to vote.

North Carolina: In September 2021 the courts ruled that North Carolina citizens that have felonies but are not incarcerated do not lose their voting rights, or that they are restored at release from incarceration. This ruling was reversed within weeks and will continue to be litigated.

Oklahoma: In Oklahoma, citizens are disenfranchised for the time period set out in their original sentence. Voting rights are restored once this time period has elapsed.

Ohio: Persons who have been twice convicted of a violation of Ohio’s elections law are permanently disenfranchised.

Tennessee: Tennessee has one of the most complex disenfranchisement policies in the country. People completing sentences for some felony convictions, who have paid all restitution and court costs, and are current with child support payments may apply for rights restoration. Individuals with certain types of convictions, including rape, murder, and bribery, among others, are permanently disenfranchised.

Washington: Voting rights restored to those on probation and parole through a law that goes into effect January of 2022.

Wyoming: Voting rights automatically restored after five years to people who complete sentences for first-time, non-violent felony convictions in 2016 or after. Applications are required from people who completed sentences for first-time, non-violent felony convictions before 2016, and from people convicted outside Wyoming, or under federal law. People with violent convictions or with multiple felony convictions are permanently disenfranchised, unless pardoned by the Governor.

Sources: Brennan Center – National Conference of State Legislatures – State Websites – Justice Department